This tribute to John Lennon was put together by JoliJoli Designs. See her blog as well!
Purple and Orange by Glassnwood from the Coastal Bend of Texas
I Love Flowers by JillsTreasureChest from MississippiPottery, Wood and Lace by RSSDesignsinFiber from Southern California
Hurry up and check these out before they expire! And also look at the beautiful work of these curators. See Glassnwood's handmade stained glass and woodcarvings, like this Ferruginous Pygmy Owl carving. And check out this Farmer Santa from JillsTreasureChest.I also have a whole bunch of brie-bakers, which everyone seems to love. They make a wonderful gift for the cheese-lover on your list. Simply place the brie or other shoft cheese in the baker and spread your favorite topping. Cook until the cheese softens. One of my favorite toppings is this one:
Baked Brie w/ Mango ~~ Place brie in dish. Spread 2 Tbsp. raspberry preserves on top. Top w/ 1/2 cup diced mango and sprinkle 1 Tbsp brown sugar. Place in cold oven; bake at 350 degrees F until the cheese softens. Et voilá! Serve w/ bread or crackers.
And finally, I have the ever-popular MUG. I've got lots and lots of gorgeous mugs! I made "I Voted for Obama" mugs but I don't know what I was thinking and made only 3. I thought I'd list them on Etsy before the show and put the shop "on vacation" during the week-end. Well! I had barely posted one "I voted..." mug when it sold! So, I posted another one and, you guessed it!, it sold too! So I'm left with the one solitary "I voted..." mug. I'll be making lots more before Inauguration. And I will be taking orders. Email me if you'd like to place an order. Or go to my website and send me a message via the Contact Us page. Or convo me through etsy.
See the posting below for when and where information for this week-end!